Menifee Mom: How About Dance Mom, Team Mom, Cheer Mom...

By Michelle Walsh

It started with Fairy Tale Princess Dance class three years ago. My daughter, my first born, my princess, NEEDED to take this class.

It was a combination of tap and ballet. It was absolutely adorable. She loved it, I loved that she loved it, everything was great. We did the same class with my second daughter, and my third can’t wait until it is her turn.

Dance, swim, soccer, gymnastics, messy art class and now cheer. Not all at once, but we’ve tried them all. Some activities we’ve attempted with more enthusiasm than others. I’m sure there will be more, for my oldest is only 6. How do you choose the right activity for your child when they are young? How do you juggle it financially and time wise with three kids? It’s not easy, but we make it work.

Financially with three kids, it can really add up quick. Finding activities through Youth Leagues such as AYSO and Parks and Recreation can make it affordable. Also, a lot of places will offer a sibling discount. We must take into consideration the cost of shoes, and other special clothing/gear that may be needed for each sport or activity we choose. I prefer to find activities that are close to home, as the cost of gas is also a consideration. We limit our girls in the activities for many reasons. Finances and time are big.

My girls are young; they need time to rest their bodies, they need time to just play and time to do nothing. We have Kindergarten, Preschool, homework and rest time. That is already a lot in one day. I also put a lot of volunteer time into these activities, which can take time away from home.

I think about these things every time we try out a new activity. I’m excited, they’re excited, and we all jump in full force. I feel beyond privileged that I am able to share these experiences with my children; I have a tendency to be very involved. For example, each year my girls were in dance class, I was “Dance Mom.” When we tried soccer, I was a “Team Mom.”

Then we found swim class. Oh, how I LOVE swim class. No team moms, no performances, and no competitions. We found our place! There are never any complaints on Thursdays when it is swim class day. Everyone gets their suits on with eagerness. All three of my girls take swim lessons at the same time, while mommy watches proudly by the side of the pool.

Recently, my oldest asked to try out cheerleading. How cute is that? It seems most activities are in Murrieta or Temecula, so I was excited that we could stay close to home in Menifee. Once a week for 30 minutes -- I can handle that. Monday was our first lesson and it was as fun as I imagined. My daughter, who is very vivacious and outgoing, fit right in. I’m sure it won’t be long before I’m raising my hand to be “Cheer Mom.”

Michelle Walsh is a Menifee resident, a wife and mother of three young girls. She is a former teacher who enjoys running, exercise, sewing, gardening and socializing. Each week, she shares her experiences as a Menifee mom. Michelle welcomes your comments here.

Observations, Questions and Tips About Life: Jan. 30

Featuring Bill Rhoads

Each week, Sun City resident Bill Rhoads shares with us some of his "tips about life." Bill keeps a written record of "tips" that come to mind and has a strong motivation to share them with others. His purpose in doing so is to stimulate his own thinking and to stir some ideas into the pot of life. He believes in God and the Golden Rule.

God made all creatures.
Some smaller, some bigger
But could it be possible
He made a mistake
When he made the chigger?

God makes things perfect
For you and me
Everything is exactly
The way it’s supposed to be.

If you have thoughts and/or responses to Bill's tips, leave a comment here or send emails with your feedback to

Menifee Mom: It's Crucial to "Be in the Present ... Now"

By Michelle Walsh

Be present in the now…

Not later, now. Those five words I repeat to myself DAILY. You see, it’s really hard for me to do -- for a few reasons. First, I have three kids. Second, my house looks like I have three kids. And lastly, I have a mind that does not stop.

I adore my kids, the little busy bodies that they are. Playing can be exhausting; I’m still not quite sure how they do it all day long. They gave up naps way too early, and I’m not one to fight them on it. We do have rest time every day, and I look forward to that. Having three kids, ages 6, 4 and 2, means mom is needed triple time.

Breakfast, times three; shoes tied, times three; seatbelts buckled, times three … you get the picture. If I only had two more sets of arms! While I’m helping out one, my mind is fast forwarding to the next one who will need me. Be present in the now -- how?

Now everyone is happy – at least for the moment. Let me move on to washing three breakfast bowls, picking up three pairs of socks, and getting three lunches packed for today’s adventures. All that and it’s only 8:30 a.m. Be present in the now: OK, after everyone has their teeth and hair brushed – times three.

I’m not complaining. I’m not saying I have it so hard or that my life with kids is any more complex than yours. You see, I know that I am raising human beings, not inconveniences, but I have to remind myself to slow down and enjoy the moments. Be present in the now.

It’s really a difficult task, but when I can accomplish it, nothing feels better. I find great joy in having a conversation with my 4-year-old at bedtime. It’s amazing what goes on in her mind, what she wonders about, how she perceives the world. My heart melts at the delight in my 6-year-old’s eyes when I get on her level, look directly at her and tell her I love her. I like to hug my girls until they let go.

So I practice. It’s a very conscious thing I must make myself do. I like sticky notes; I put them around the house with quotes to remind me. One of my favorites is, “Children spell love T-I-M-E”. It takes effort, it takes time, it takes not just walking away from the dirty dishes, but forgetting about them for a while.

As I write this, my girls are all tucked into bed and fast asleep. Tomorrow I will try not to pass up requests to snuggle on the couch, or listen to “Mommy, can you hold me?” It’s these times that I MUST be present in the now. Today, tomorrow and every day I will take the time to be present in the now. Because tomorrow is a different day, my kids are a day older, they’ve changed, and I can’t get back yesterday.

Michelle Walsh is a Menifee resident, a wife and mother of three young girls. She is a former teacher who enjoys running, exercise, sewing, gardening and socializing. Each week, she shares her experiences as a Menifee mom. Michelle welcomes your comments here.

A Doug's Life: Remembering Two People Who Cared

Pillar of the community.

We've all heard this term before, probably used it ourselves. But what does it really mean?

The word "pillar" has a couple of definitions, including:

A freestanding, vertical support.

One who occupies a central or responsible position.

When combined, the words "pillar of the community" becomes a term defined as a prominent member or supporter of a particular community.

Considering all this, Carmelita Rood and Tom Carpenter fit the definition perfectly.

Most folks around here know that when the decades-old community of Sun City was incorporated into the city now known as Menifee, some strong supports were needed to hold the whole thing together. On one side you had a group of longtime Sun City residents who resisted the change; on the other side, a group of people who were in favor of increased development.

Just in the year and a half I've been in town, I've seen some cracks in the foundation. Granted, the structure has been shaken a few times. But you know what? It's still standing.

Why? Because the pillars were strong. Because people like Carmelita Rood and Tom Carpenter were strong enough to hold things together, yet flexible enough to roll with the shock waves. Sort of like a seismic retrofit.

Tom Carpenter was 79 years old when he died in his Menifee home in late December. For 40 years, he had served not only as a successful attorney in the Sun City/Menifee community, but as a tireless volunteer. He was a charter member of the Sun City (now Menifee) Rotary Club, an advocate for local health care systems and a supporter of the Boy Scouts. In 1995, he was received the Citizen of the Year Award from the Chamber of Commerce.

Tom could be stubborn at times. He refused to refer to his club as the Menifee Rotary Club, instead continuing to call it the Sun City Rotary Club. He insisted that people remember the importance of the Sun City tradition, of what it meant to the foundation of the greater Menifee area.

Yet at the same time, he joined with new residents from the "south side of the tracks" in activities that solidified the community as a whole. He treated this reporter with courtesy and respect in an interview conducted just weeks after he met me for the first time. Tom saw the good in people and tried to bring that out.

Carmelita Rood was a week away from her 86th birthday when she died on Tuesday. A 35-year resident of the Sun City community, she was referred to in this space as the First Lady of Menifee. Why? A couple of reasons.

First, Carmelita was literally the first person I saw at the first public function I attended here -- a Chamber of Commerce mixer. My wife Kristen and I had barely gotten in the door before she rushed up to greet us and take our picture. As many of you know, Carmelita's job in recent years was to document every Chamber event with photos, carefully assembling them in albums and preparing them for posting to the Chamber website. More important, she made it her job to greet everyone she met with that warm smile of hers.

Second, Carmelita was Menifee -- Senior Mrs. Menifee Valley Chamber of Commerce; longtime member of the Woman's Club, Soroptomist Club, Kiwanis Club and other groups; and an "old-timer" who wasn't afraid to mingle with the newcomers and change with the times.

In one of our last conversations, Carmelita told me of her disappointment with those who resisted change in our community. At the same time, she spoke fondly of the memories she had of the changing community over the years. Just like Tom Carpenter, she saw the good in all things and worked to make those things better.

Carmelita Rood and Tom Carpenter. They were among a special few who held this reconfigured community together.

So what now? Do we fear that the community crumbles because two of the pillars are gone? Of course not.

The love and leadership they displayed has helped cement many cracks in the foundation. Moreover, it has created in others the commitment to carry on their tradition.

So thank you, Tom and Carmelita, for what you have done for Sun City and Menifee and the legacy you left for us. May you rest in peace.

Observations, Questions and Tips About Life: Jan. 23

Featuring Bill Rhoads

Each week, Sun City resident Bill Rhoads shares with us some of his "tips about life." Bill keeps a written record of "tips" that come to mind and has a strong motivation to share them with others. His purpose in doing so is to stimulate his own thinking and to stir some ideas into the pot of life. He believes in God and the Golden Rule.

Silly, pompous man
Always needs someone
To feel better than.

History’s fleeting ghost
Is captured by those who from its image
Stand to gain the most.

If you have thoughts and/or responses to Bill's tips, leave a comment here or send emails with your feedback to

Menifee Mom: That Weekly Run is the Break She Needs

By Michelle Walsh

A mom’s job is 24 hours a day. From the moment my little ones open their eyes until I kiss their foreheads goodnight, and often in between too, I’m needed.

This is what I signed up for; this is why I’m here, home with my girls. Our days are busy: Kindergarten, preschool, swim class, classroom volunteer, play dates and more. Every minute is action-packed. Nope, never a dull moment around my house.

During the week, I do manage to squeeze in some exercise time here and there. I find those pockets when I can make it happen, always with someone in tow. This is why my weekend run is most cherished. It’s the one day during the week that I can sneak out by myself and renew.

My long run is on Saturday or Sunday. It goes a little something like this: The night before, I set out all the things I’ll need. I set my alarm clock for 5:45 a.m., although I know I’ll wake right before it goes off. I don’t dare wake anyone up in the process.

I sneak out of bed ever so carefully, so as not to wake the little one who has found her way into my bed earlier in the evening. I eat a protein bar, tie back my hair, put on my shoes, grab my music and off I go. Once I close the garage door, I’ve made it; there’s no stopping me.

It’s cold -- very, very cold! Why am I doing this again? Oh yeah, “Me time." Hmmmm, a pedicure at Happy Nails sounds more appealing for the first mile. Now I’m getting warm; a good song comes on and it puts a little pep in my step. By mile three, it’s on! I’ve found my groove. I’m in it for the long run.

I smell fireplaces burning, wet leaves, and pine needles. I hear animals scurry in bushes and the pounding of my feet on the cement. I see sunrises and hot air balloons so close overhead. I see other runners who nod their heads as our paths cross.

I think a lot when I run. I think about my family, I reflect on my actions, I come up with new ideas. I talk with God. Sometimes I sing out loud, always hoping that no one can hear me. I’ve even danced a little while running. Those are really good days.

It’s been an hour, hopefully two. I’m nearing home. My lungs have been cleansed, filled with fresh air. When I reach the garage door, I smile. I’m ready to be mom again.

I open the door and my kids greet me like I’ve come home from a long vacation. Little do they know, I really have.

Michelle Walsh is a Menifee resident, a wife and mother of three young girls. She is a former teacher who enjoys running, exercise, sewing, gardening and socializing. Each week, she shares her experiences as a Menifee mom. Michelle welcomes your comments here.

Observations, Questions and Tips About Life

Featuring Bill Rhoads

Each week, Sun City resident Bill Rhoads shares with us some of his "tips about life." Bill keeps a written record of "tips" that come to mind and has a strong motivation to share them with others. His purpose in doing so is to stimulate his own thinking and to stir some ideas into the pot of life. He believes in God and the Golden Rule.

God only screams at us when we are in eminent danger. Most of the time he whispers. Be still and listen.

Any rock you throw interrupts the flow.

Love doesn’t make us perfect
Although love itself is perfect
Make sure the one you choose is right
Life’s too short to fuss and fight.

If you have thoughts and/or responses to Bill's tips, leave a comment here or send emails with your feedback to

A Doug's Life: I'd Work Up a Sweat, But It's Too Cold

OK, so I'm tired, I'm sore and I'm cold. What's your problem?

Sorry if I'm a bit cranky today. Actually, things aren't that bad. I lost four pounds in the first week of my diet and exercise program. That part, I like. Dragging my sore muscles out into the 30-degree Menifee morning chill for a 6 a.m. workout? Not so much.

I'm one of those guys who would rather sweat in a sauna then jog down the street when it's freezing outside. That;s why I headed right for the gym, cranking up the heater. On the way, I passed a guy riding his bike down Menifee Road, wearing shorts. I glanced down at the temperature on my dashboard. It was 32 degrees outside.

C'mon, man. Trying to make me look bad or what?

This morning at breakfast, I was enjoying my bowl of Steel Cut Oatmeal, protein powder and almond milk. My granddaughter Riley, who's almost 5, asked me why my oatmeal looks different than the kind she eats.

"This is Pop oatmeal," I said. "It's going to make me skinny."

I finished the bowl and took it over to rinse out in the sink.

"Hey Pop," Riley said. "Are you skinny now?"

This is how bad it is: Paul David, the owner of Elevate Fitness in Menifee and my trainer, has to give me a break after almost every time he bends me into a pretzel or has me doing light strength work. Man, how did this happen? Just a couple years ago, I was working out on weight machines, swimming multiple laps, doing power sit-ups.

It's those darn Wendy's cheesburgers, fries and Frosties. That's what happened. Heading home from teaching class at Cal Poly Pomona twice a week, the Wendy's drive-thru window was my friend. I was so predictable, I would start giving my order into the speaker box and the employee would finish it for me.

"Make it a Large, with a Dr. Pepper, and a medium chocolate Frostie, right?" she would say. And I was sure I could hear laughter in the background.

I would inhale my meal at 9 p.m. and head home to bed. Now, I eat before my 5 p.m. class and I have stuff like ground turkey and Fage Greek yogurt.

No, Riley, I'm not skinny yet. This is going to take some time.

I suppose this cold weather should be a blessing as I sweat it out, but I'm doing my work inside a gym. No help cooling off there. In fact, all I have to do is look over at the folks swinging kettle bells around and it's enough to make me break out in a sweat.

Following Paul David's customized menu, I had salmon for dinner tonight. Even though I barbecued it out back, the smell of fish and broccoli in the kitchen was not particularly pleasant. Riley and her mom were driven out of the house. I sprayed Fabreze and opened all the windows.

So as I sit here shivering tonight, eagerly awaiting my late-night snack of protein powder and water, I'm second guessing myself. Maybe I should keep some extra pounds on during this frigid winter, just for insulation.

Seniors Corner: Community Access Center Improves Services

By Chuck Reutter

Update: The opening of the Community Access Center office has been delayed until February due to communication issues. The opening date will be announced when the center is ready to go forward with its efforts to provide help to people who are dealing with disabilities.

A Community Access Center office will soon open in the Sun City section of Menifee to provide services needed by seniors, including Senior Low Vision Kits, wheelchair ramps, help with sight issues and other issues to help people with disabilities remain independent.

CAC is one of 29 Independent Living Centers in California. An independent living center is a consumer controlled, community based, cross disability, nonresidential private nonprofit agency that is designed and operated within a local community by individuals with disabilities.

Independent living services maximize the ability to live independently in the environment of one’s own choosing. The 29 independent living centers offer five core services mandated by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. California added two additional core services.

Cores services provided at the CAC will be:

Information and referrals
Independent living skills
Assistive technology
Peer counseling
Personal Assistance Services

Independent living, as seen by its advocates, is a philosophy, a way of looking at disability and society, and a worldwide movement of people with disabilities working for self-determination, self-respect and equal opportunities. In the context of eldercare, independent living is seen as a step in the continuum of care, with assisted living being the next step.

Proponents of the IL Movement claim that preconceived notions and a predominantly medical view of disability contribute to negative attitudes toward people with disabilities, portraying them as sick, defective and deviant persons, as objects of professional intervention, as a burden for themselves and their families, dependent on other people’s charity.

Chuck Reutter, a longtime resident of the Sun City area of Menifee, shares his thoughts on the senior scene here monthly.

Menifee Mom: Legos, Kiddos and an Exercise Routine

This is the first installment of a weekly column by Michelle Walsh, who is a Menifee resident, a wife and mother of three young girls. She is a former teacher who enjoys running, exercise, sewing, gardening and socializing. Michelle and her family are always on the go. She likes to know what is going on around town and looks forward to writing about her adventures in our town. We hope you enjoy her perspective on life and motherhood in Menifee.

By Michelle Walsh

It’s January, you want to get fit, and now is the best time to do it, right? Every television ad is selling you a weight loss program, “Biggest Loser” season 14 just started, your local gym has no sign-up fees, and Target has Yoga Mats for half price.

Let’s do this! You’re pumped! But before you are about to sit in front of the big screen with your new best friend Jillian Michaels, you are summoned to the bathroom to wipe a tushy, then off to the kitchen to refill a Sippy cup, and you step on a Lego on your way back to the television.

By the time you limp back to your Yoga Mat, the 20-minute workout that promised to give you abs of steel is over. You feel defeated, and you haven’t even started.

I’m here to tell you that you CAN do it. Super Moms unite! Finding time to take care of you is the most important thing you can do for your family. My exercise time is my renewal time.

Here are some ways I make an exercise routine work for me and am able to stay consistent:

First, set a goal. Small goals are great to begin with -- a 20-minute walk, or run, a Zumba class, whatever interests you. Write your goals down, say them out loud, or share them on Facebook. Personally, I like to run, so finding a local race to sign up for keeps me on track and gives me a goal to work toward. You can be sure that when I post on Facebook, “Off for a 3-mile run”, it’s going to get done.

Consistency is KEY! Nothing is harder than trying to start something challenging again and again. Look at your calendar, find the periods of time when you can fit in exercise, and make it happen. I find that planning out my week and writing it down on the calendar helps. Sometimes you have to get the kids involved; that’s great. Think of the example you are setting by being a role model for a healthy lifestyle. It won’t be long before your family will know that Thursdays are Mommy’s Zumba days.

Find a support system. Sometimes it is your neighbor, your spouse, or your best friend. Don’t have anyone near and dear that likes to exercise? Try finding a support group that can help you achieve your goal. A simple online search should point you in the right direction. I have found a support group of women who like to run. We keep each other motivated and on track.

If you make it a priority, exercising and raising a family at the same time is not only possible, but very rewarding. Setting goals, being consistent and finding support along the way can help you achieve a routine that can be maintained year-round. So grab that Yoga Mat, your running shoes, or your Zumba skirt, and go show Jillian how it’s done!

Observations, Questions and Tips About Life

Featuring Bill Rhoads

This is the first installment of a weekly feature in which Sun City resident Bill Rhoads shares his thoughts, primarily in the form of his "tips about life." Bill keeps a written record of "tips" that come to mind and has a strong motivation to share them with others. His purpose in doing so is to stimulate his own thinking and to stir some ideas into the pot of life.

Bill writes songs and some poetry. He is a musician/band leader who has played music worldwide. He served in the U.S. Army as a paratrooper and an Army Ranger. Bill is a Vietnam veteran who appreciates our veterans' service and sacrifice. This is clear in much of his writing.

In most cases, Bill's entries will be brief. He doesn't consider this a column as much as an opportunity to throw some thoughts out there for you to ponder -- usually only one or two at a time.

Life is good. I believe in God and The Golden Rule. I want to share that message with others, and share also some of my "tips about life." Here are a couple of tips to think about:

The problem with today’s "throw away marriages" is they leave a lot of "throw away kids."

Lies kill more than bloody war.

If you have thoughts and/or responses to Bill's tips, leave a comment here or send emails with your feedback to

A Doug's Life: Maintaining a Bridge over the Generation Gap

As I write this, the Beatles' "Hey Jude" is playing on my iPod. That tune always takes me back to the eighth grade, when I would listen to it on cassette tape (remember those)?

Now, however, it is just a memory and nothing more. In fact, I'm tempted to fast forward a track or two until I get to something by Sons of the Pioneers. Or Gene Autry. A little Hank Williams, perhaps. Something with a banjo.

A lot changes in 45 years -- and I'm not talking only about my expanding waistline, which we discussed last time. No, it occurs to me that during that time, I have become my father. My grandfather, even.

I'm a grandpa myself, and I actually like Bluegrass music, Country tunes, the Big Band era -- all the stuff I used to laugh at my dad for listening to. Roger Miller's "King of the Road" is downright soothing. "Tumblin' Tumbleweeds" could be my theme song -- or anything with yodeling and a harmonica.

Yes, there is a generation gap. The thing is, eventually we all travel across it to the other side. I like to think I still have a foot on each side of the canyon. Maybe that's why I enjoy living here in Menifee.

This is a place where I can mingle with the kids at a Soap Box Derby one minute and chat with the senior citizens at Bingo the next. One night, I'm interviewing high school football players. The next day, I'm writing about a lady who just turned 100.

And the best part is, I'm never more than a minute or two away from an old cowboy, a horse trail, or somebody singing an old tune.

I still enjoy moments shared with the younger set. Heck, I teach college journalism part-time. I don't understand the lyrics of half the songs they listen to, but I still feel a connection. Yet more and more, I find myself at home on the other side of the "gap."

Give me an afternoon strolling around Tom Fuhrman's Wooden Nickel Ranch. Or patting the horses on Lynn Mattocks' ranch down the road. Or listening to Paul Burleson, aka Mr. Burley, performing Old West songs.

The other day, I wrote in a column that I'm starting to limp around like Walter Brennan in a John Wayne movie. Someone wrote me saying she loved that line, but wondered how many would know who Walter Brennan was.

Good question. But at least with celebrities, we have electronic means of turning back the clock. I have Riley, my 4-year-old granddaughter, hooked on a 1968 Disney movie called "The One and Only, Genuine, Original Family Band." In it, Brennan plays his familiar grandpa character -- dancing, singing and generally being ornery. His act wouldn't fly in today's entertainment world, but for some reason little Riley will sit there and watch it, fascinated.

I think it's up to all us "old folks" to find ways to walk back over that bridge and interact with the younger ones on the other side of the generation gap. We've found out for ourselves that traveling across the gap isn't so bad, but they haven't found that out yet. We must find ways to show them the good parts of our side, while being tolerant of the stuff they're into.

In our diverse community of Menifee, we're in the perfect place for it.

The Caregivers' Journey: Go Ahead, Toot Your Horn

By Marsha Kay Seff

"The Caregivers' Journey" will appear here monthly. Marsha Kay Seff wrote and edited the San Diego Eldercare Directory for 10 years. She knows first-hand about the ups and downs of caregiving, as she brought her aging parents to San Diego from Miami Beach in order to look after them. Her column will discuss the challenges faced by adults in caring for their aging parents. Direct email inquiries or responses to

As a caregiver, having a big mouth is an asset. If you don’t already have one, you might want to develop one. Because opening your mouth – shouting until someone hears what you’re saying – is one of the biggest parts of being a caregiver.

You are your parents’ advocate now. When they’re too ill to speak for themselves or can’t recall what they wanted to say, you need to speak up.

That doesn’t mean you ignore their wishes. Understanding what they want is the first step in getting what they need. Unfortunately, too many people, including their own doctors, write off all older folks as being daffy. When the world ignores your loved ones, you need to remind people that older folks need to be treated with respect.

After years of talking to one of my mother’s doctors on the phone, I finally met him in person. He walked into the office, shook my hand and looked perplexed. "I thought you were much taller," he said.

Yes, I speak a lot louder than my 4-foot-11 stature.

As a dutiful daughter, it seemed I was always advocating for my aging parents. They weren’t even off the plane from their home in Miami Beach to San Diego, where I’d found them a retirement home, when I had to put on my advocate’s hat.

After waiting more than an hour for their plane to pull up to the gate (that was before airport security was tightened), I asked someone what the delay was. He said my parents’ plane couldn’t get in until another plane pulled out. So I simply informed the gate agent that there were two sick people on the inbound plane, that he would have to tell the other plane to pull back. He did. When I climbed aboard to retrieve my parents, the captain asked if I’d had anything to do with the arrangements – and thanked me.

When someone at mom’s health insurance company refused to talk to me on the phone about my mother’s bill, which I’d always paid, I hung up and redialed – and introduced myself as my mother. I got what I needed.

I learned to work around a lot of things during the 12 years I was my parents’ dutiful daughter, their best friend and their liaison with a not-always-receptive world.

Sponsored by Right at Home, In-Home Care & Assistance,, (951) 506-9628, Contact Marsha Kay Seff at
