By David Baker
It's interesting how some weeks can be long, drawn-out and uneventful while others can be full of so much activity that I'm not really sure which end is up.
Tuesday night, my daughter stayed late for tutoring. My wife had a flat tire and was late picking her up, so she decided to walk home by herself without telling anybody. My wife made the trip to and from school without seeing her, went back to school to search, was moments away from calling the police before my daughter called her from the house to say she had arrived home. Needless to say, we had a long conversation about telling people where you're going to be.
Wednesday evening, my daughter tripped in her room and broke her pinky toe to the point where the toe was pointing outward at a 45 degree angle. She'll do anything to get out of cleaning her room. My wife spent eight hours with her at the emergency room just for them to x-ray it and tell her yes, it's indeed broken. Tape it up and give her some Ibuprofen.
This weekend, Jeremiah and the Cub Scouts of Pack 374 will also be very busy. First thing in the morning Saturday, the boys will be helping pass out water and snacks to the runners at the Menifee Veterans Day 5K run. We've done this every year for the last three years and the boys always enjoy themselves.
This year we're also going to do something new around town. We will be selling poppies for the local VFW post. I've seen these types of poppy sales before but never really stopped to ask what they represent. I always thought it was a simple fundraiser for the VFW.
What I didn't realize is that the poppies were actually made at least in part by unemployed veterans and the VFW actually paid these veterans living in a veterans home a certain amount per poppy made in order to give them some independent spending money.
Then on Saturday and Sunday, the boys will be "Scouting for Food". This is an annual food drive done nationwide by the Boy Scouts of America to benefit a designated local food bank or charity. In this case, the food will be donated to the Menifee Valley Food Cupboard. So if you're in the area of Ralph's grocery store on Antelope and Newport Road Saturday or Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and you are feeling the spirit of the season, please stop by and donate some food to the cause. Last year we were able to donate 1,100 pounds, which was more than any other unit in the entire district.
On Monday at the Murrieta Veterans Day parade, the Girl Scouts of Troop 40550 will be marching. Alexandra, of course will probably have to sit out if she can't find a way to do it in the wheelchair, but this will be the end of a fairly busy Veterans Day weekend.
What are your plans this weekend? Post below and share.
David Baker, our Man About Menifee, writes about his adventures in and around town every Friday in this space. You may leave comments for him here or email him at
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